Potfest in the Park: part 2
This is actually more like a postscript to the previous post. One part of this event that I haven't covered is their competition, which all exhibiting potters are asked to join in. Some make work specifically to the brief and some just present existing work and try to put it into context. The visitors are encouraged to vote for their three favourite. Here are some of the entries that stood out for me. Unfortunately I didn't get the name of each maker as I took the photos so early in the day before they were properly labelled.

This year's theme was "Ancestral Voices - echoes of another time, another place".

This sculpture by Somerset potter Russell Coates was my favourite. It made me laugh and I liked the little figures wobbling on the wire coming out of the monolithic figures mouth. I found this piece intriguing and many layered. No, I didn't drink any of the cider that was hidden behind the figure.

Here are some more excellent entries:
All in all a fab pottery do.

We had a great day out.